
Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Deleted Phone number


Today I wanna write down my feeling yesterday..

I had deleted the phone number of Mr. M
I know I might regret it, but I can't keep it at all..
I have to delete it, at least if it is deleted I will not do such kind of fool thing in the future..
Not only the phone numbers themselves.. I also deleted the songs related to him
And now I try my best to forget him completely, I try my best to stop looking for his condition.
I think it is the best thing I have to do..

Will I forget you Mr. M

Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Become a Leader

Well, to everybody who reads this post I thank you and welcome you to enjoy my very own novel. This isn't my first writing. This novel will be written in  Indonesian. Hope you can enjoy this.. well, thank you...

Hari baru yang padat akan dimulai lagi besok aku hanya bisa mensupport diriku sendiri. Kuliah, kerja, dan menghadiri pertemuan ZOA akan mewarnai hari-hari ku esok. Baiklah waktunya memejamkan mata yang lelah ini.. "selamat malam". Mona, seperti itu orang-orang disekeliling ku memanggilku. Hari itu aku memulai hari ku dengan menyematkan beberapa ilmu di kepala ku yang sudah terisi penuh dengan hal-hal yang aku sendiri tak begitu tahu isi nya. Empat sks telah berlalu, seperti biasa aku dan teman-teman menghibahkan uang kami kepada mbak di Pantai (kantin kampus ku yang terkenal ramai oleh tongkrongan anak-anak kuliah dari semester awal ampe semester banyak). Bukan hanya mengisi perut yang sudah bernyanyi semenjak perkuliahan tadi, tapi misi utama kami adalah mencari "bird". Begitu kami sering menyebut cowok ganteng yang biasanya kami temui di pantai yang pastinya akan menjadi topik pembahasan utama kami saat itu. Harus ku akui meskipun aku terkesan acuh dan tak peduli tapi aku juga menikmati hal-hal aneh yang sering kami lakukan bersama. Okta, agustin, april, dan arum adalah sobat karib ku yang sering menghabiskan dan menghura-hurakan waktu dan uang untuk sesuatu yang penting dan menyenangkan menurut kami. Kami bahkan bisa saling mengebon (meminjamkan) uang jikalau salah satu dari kami sedang menderita krisis moneter. Pernah kami tak ubah nya seperti rantaian hutang yang tak putus-putus. Tapi itulah kami, saling membantu dan melengkapi satu sama lain. Mualailah satu persatu dari kami meng order makanan yang lezat tapi legah di kantong anak kuliahan. "Mon kek nya ikan pindang itu enak dibinasakan dalam mulut" ujar agustin yang memang bentuk dan ukuran tubuh nya bisa dikatakan triple L "hmm.. gak nafsu ah, kemarin nyokap masak pindang juga. Aku lebih pilih kerang sambal aja deh". "mb Madona (salah satu pegawai kantin yang kami beri julukan madona, aku sendiri tak tahu nama asli nya) aku mo ikan pindang yang ekor nya" ujar agustin mulai mengorder patin mangsanya. ketiga teman ku yang lain menyantap bakso yang ujar mereka enak, lezat, dan murah. Perbincangan para gadis yang lewat remaja dan belum memasuki usia dewasa pun dimulai. Sambil mengunyah dan menyuapkan suap demi suap ke goa, mata kami tak absen untuk melirik kiri, kanan, depan, dan belakang. Ada saja yang menyita perhatian kami dan menjadi topik pembicaraan. Dan seling beberapa saat kemudian topik barupun akan mulai dibicarakan. Tak akan ada yang mengerti apa yang sedang kami diskusikan, hanya kami berlima yang tahu dan asyik bahkan terbahak-bahak asyik berceloteh satu sama lain.

Well it has been such a long time I don't write any posting here..

This time I want to express what I feel right now which I can't tell anyone except I myself about it..

Everyone knows that love will come to everyone, but in fact not all of it will go on on the right way.
Fall in love is such kind of beautiful thing but on the other hand it can be a weapon which can kill you inside.
This kind of weird feeling attacks me everyday. I've tried to erase everything about him, but in the end I can't spend a day without thinking of him.. That's sound crazy huh??

Well, I can't understand what a hell is going on. I know the feeling isn't as strong as before but he comes to disturb or.. I can't say disturb, he jut comes and it makes me think about him again.. I wanna scream out to his face that I hate him and why he have to appear again after he disappeared in such long time and make me tired and crazy about it. I've decided to forget him.. but all is broken when he comes.. I hate him so much. I can't tell why.. I can't say this is his fault. I even blame myself who is the only one who cause all of this. I..... I hate when I miss him. I hate when I wanna see his image. What I just want is I can forget him wholeheartedly....

I hate you "M" ;'( T.T 

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

LOvely Couple YongSeoh ;D

Love this couple sooooo much... ;D

hopefully I'll have one in the future.... ;D ;D ~>w<~

A dream that might be come true, might not it???

 A dream that might be come true, might not it???

"An imaginative night", maybe somebody would say this when they found about my dream...
it was really real, even I couldn't blink my eyes in that dream.. One of my friends said that it seemed just like your imagination not a dream, even I thought so...

Whatever I thought, but it was so real... I could not even breath when I found out he was in the same car of mine. The first time I call him, but I hang up it directly in the first beep. Then he messaged me "matter?". at that time I was so happy, actually I wanted to scream and jump to show my happiness, but when turn my head back, I found that he was there in the same car of mine. I couldn't blink, breath, say anything, and move. I was just like a stone.

Then the dream went to the result that cannot be accepted logically. He called me by using image call, but I was too afraid to receive that call. At the end of the night story is he wrote a status said that I wanna know that ukhti (a woman/girl that very fanatic about her religion)

Hopefully it will be come true... not just disappear in dream world.... 

Found Him vv

Recently I found facebook account that I've been searching since long time ago. I was so happy at that time, but it became blur when the owner rejected my friend request. I also became shock when I knew one of his relatives is my friend.

Even though I was a bit sad because of the fact itself, but until now on I still open his facebook profile every time I open mine. In my thought, at least I can see what I wanna see and I can find what I wanna find about him.

I know the coolness never lost, it is still stick on him. But the thing that makes me crazy is that one....

I got a quotation from his that I really love...

"Things to regret is precious to fix"

hopefully one day he'll consider me....... vv


Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Clay's Receipe

Cheer up!!

Hello I've posted my handicraft. It was clay.
but I haven't posted how to make it.. Here is the way how to make clay..
Check it out...


  • Three kinds of flour (flour, cassava flour, and rice flour)
  • Wood Glue
  • Lotion
  • Poster Color
How to make:

  • First mix all the flour
  • Then, pour the glue, and mix it until it becomes a dough
  • Put Poster Color, and mix it.
  • Create your own cute shape (e.g. ice cream, cookies, rabbit, etc)
  • Dry it... 

Just try it... 
LOVE. Chiyoko